Educators Publishing Service (EPS)

Explode The Code: Go for The Code - C

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Go for The Code Book C (2nd Edition) introduces students to the sounds of initial and final consonants. This book prepares students for reading and writing through letter formation, tracking skills, and phonemic awareness activities.


Book C has been revised! New exercises reinfore letter formation, phonemic awareness, and sound-letter correspondence. New review pages cover the initial consonant sounds taught in Get Ready, Get Set, and Go for The Code (Books A - C). The Teacher's Guide is needed for listening exercises.

Skills Addressed

• Consonant Sounds (c, g, l, q, v, w, y, z, x)
• Letter formation
• Fine-motor skills including
• Left-to-right tracking
• Phonemic awareness

Explode The Code® has helped millions of students nationwide build the essential literacy skills needed for reading success: phonological awareness, decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and spelling.