Regnery Publishing

P.I.G. to the Great Depression and the New Deal, The (The Politically Incorrect Guide Series)

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No economic myth these days is more pernicious than the myth that the free market caused the Great Depression and the New Deal got us out of it. That, as economist Robert P. Murphy points out is flat-out false. In The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal he provides irrefutable evidence that not only did government interference with the market cause the Great Depression (and our current economic collapse), but Herbert Hoover’s and Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s big government policies afterwards made it much longer and much worse (just as President Barack Obama’s extraordinary expansion of government promises to do today). Perhaps even more compelling, Murphy exposes the untold story behind the New Deal—how it operated by force, and why what’s really at stake is not only our economy but our liberty. The real “lessons of the Great Depression” are not what you’ve been taught. Paperback, 272 pages.

(DISCLAIMER: Though not necessarily Christian in content, we have chosen to carry this series because of the factual portrayal of crucial issues of our day. There are a few questionable words/phrases that are occasionally used, but as a whole, this is a timely series for those who wish to understand the truth on vital issues. Recommended for adults, including high school and college age students.)